Quick Start

Good to know: A quick start guide can be good to help folks get up and running with your API in a few steps. Some people prefer diving in with the basics rather than meticulously reading every page of documentation!

Setup your project

Our API is based on Restful architecture and the same line you need to create an environment variables in order to distinguish a sandbox or production environment.

We suggest create a variable named BASE_URL to define the main route to test the requests available in our API.

Sandbox URL

BASE_URL = https://api-pay-qa.coini.tech

Production URL

BASE_URL = https://api-pay.coini.tech

Get your API keys

Your API requests are authenticated using API keys. Any request that doesn't include an API key will return an error.

In a sandbox mode you can use the following API Key:

API_KEY = iQGCenQTfF86vbJE3hCcDHzr5mQvSKC9i5yxqLiE//4=

In a production mode you can generate an API key from your Dashboard at any time or you can put in contact with us sending an email to hola@coini.app.

Last updated