Coini API reference

Versión: 1.2.0

Last updated: November 29th 2023

Welcome to Coini

Welcome to Coini! Here you'll find all the documentation you need to get up and running our API.

Want to jump right in?

Feeling like an eager beaver? Jump in to the quick start docs and get making your first request:

Quick Start

What should the integration look like in the end?

Good to know: The following UI proposal is only a reference to understand the payment flow that you can use during the integration.


You can create a form with the following fields:


Here you have two dropdowns where the first one is the cryptocurrency list and the other one is the network list. You can load those dropdowns with data using the cryptocurrency endpoint.


Finally when the form is filled out you can send the date using the create order endpoint and the result of that request will be useful to show the QR screen, it could be a pop up or full screen layout depending on your UI workflow.

If you need some help designing your payment workflow do not forget putting contact with us to give more details and reference.

We will be glad to help you 😉.

Last updated